Do You Think A Gas Furnace Will Dry The Air In Your Home?

A furnace is a common HVAC system type used to provide heat in the home. While many feel as though a furnace is a top choice for home comfort, many wonder if the unit type creates dry air in the home. It is important to understand how the unit works and how it affects the indoor air quality as well as comfort. Below is a small guide on how to understand the inner workings of the unit type and how it can affect the air around you.

How does a furnace work?

A furnace is used to heat the air in the home. The temperature of the home is raised by providing warm air so you stay comfortable during the winter months. The unit operates by burning gas with two different methods; atmospheric combustion and sealed combustion. In the first type, the unit will draw combustion air from inside the home. The second option will pull the air from outdoors and send the gases up the flue portion of the unit. During the combustion process, the unit will produce a great deal of water vapor yet the vapor will not get into the home.

How does the air dry?

The air can become dry in the home when the moisture is taken away from the air inside the rooms of your home. This can be done in a number of ways, especially considering the temperature set in your home. Without a dehumidifier or a humidifier, the air in the home can become dry, which will lead to skin conditions as well as health issues. But is the furnace system to blame?

Ways the Unit Can Produce dry Air

First, you must consider the atmospheric combustion type furnace. The unit will take the air from the home and use it to burn the natural gas of your system. The gases will then move up the flue of your system. Every cubic foot of air that enters the furnace an additional cubic foot of air will come into the home. The air comes from the outside and is considered dry during the winter season. When the unit running in your home is an atmospheric combustion type, the system will bring in dry outdoor air and will lower the humidity. If the unit type is placed in an unconditioned space, such as a garage or crawl space, the unit will not affect the humidity of the home. A sealed combustion unit will also do the same so will essentially dry the air in the home.

Dry Indoor Air

If you do find that the air is dry in your home, you can look elsewhere than your heating unit. There are several reasons the dry air may exist in your home. If your home has too many air leaks, the infiltration rates will be high and a great deal of cold and dry air will move into the home. You will be in need of a humidifier to balance the moisture in the air. Over ventilating the home is also an issue. It is best to ventilate the air but with too much ventilation, you will be spending more money on your heating and humidifying cost. If your duct work is leaky, you will also have issues with cold dry air. When you have a duct work leak, you can have negative pressure in the home which will produce cold dry air in the home.

From heat pumps to heating furnace units, you will be able to provide warmth in your home without dry air. If you find that you are experiencing dry air in the home, contact your local HVAC provider to learn more about humidifying techniques and ways to provide yourself with a comfortable home no matter the season.

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