If there is an upcoming change in your life that forces you into relocation, you need not be too anxious about it. Moving is a tedious process, but that is actually the easy part. The more important question is, have you got a home to move to? If not, you should start looking – you cannot call the movers to come and clean up your house without having somewhere to unload your things, right? If this is your first time buying a house, you should not worry, people do it every day. All you need to know are the basics, and then think smart.
Here are some tips and advices to help you through your task of finding yourself a new home.
- Picking the town. If the move is not dictated by work reasons and you simply want to start somewhere new, and you have the option of town, start looking at the map. You should be wary of your choice since, depending on your budget, this is a one-way trip. Pick carefully whether you want the peacefulness of the country side, with nature as your neighbor, or the quiet and friendly suburbs with the noisy neighbors, or maybe you like the never-sleeping social life in the cities. The choice is yours.
- Picking the area. After settling on a town, you should get yourself aware of that town – do not call the removal services just yet. Do some travelling and see the place for yourself – take the family, if you have one, they should have a say in this as well. You need an area that is away from factories and noisy nightclubs; one close to convenient stores and supermarkets, especially if not everybody in your family is a driver; one close to schools for your kids – avoid school buses and public transports if you can give the child a good healthy walk.
- Picking the lifestyle. When making your choice, you should also be aware of what kind of lifestyle you are getting yourself into. Unless you want to live as an outsider, eventually you will have to build a community. But the type of community you can build is limited by the lifestyle of the town or city. Make your choice wisely as it will affect not only your way of living, but the life of your family as well.
- Picking the house. Town, check. Lifestyle, check. General area, check. Now, it is time to browse for some houses. This is something you should do yourself. Even if you do have an estate agent, do not let him make the choice for you as this is your choice to make. And to do it, you need to witness the house. Will it be enough for you? Is the furniture old? Is there furniture at all? What will happen to it if you bring your own? Are there any damages overlooked by the selling owner? Is there some mold left? Inspect the potential buy as thoroughly as possible so that you know what you are buying.
- Picking your agent. Speaking of estate agents, you should acquire the services of one. If you are a busy person, you cannot spend too much time on browsing the market and keeping up with the prices. An estate agent will do all the hard work for you. All you need to do is make sure that the agent will not be one to simply pick the highest priced house because, in his opinion, the most expensive one is the best one to have. That is never the case. Also, the agent might be one that is merely looking for a high commission. Find someone who is reliable and whom you may trust with your future and the future of your family.
- Ask around. Always keep yourself informed about everything. If you have a friend that has moved house, ask him or her for advice, ask about a trustworthy real estate agency, and ask about his own endeavors while moving. Take some advice about a moving company as well. You should not hire just any man with a van – make a careful choice. Removal companies are also something to be considered.
Stick to these advices and see it that your move is not as burdensome as it could be. Be smart and you will be fine.
More helpful tips read at: wandsworthremovals.com