How Do You Install Furring Strips on a Metal Roof?

There are many reasons why a homeowner might decide to opt for metal roofing materials. For one thing, metal is significantly more durable than composition or wood shingles. It is also relatively cheap, depending on what type of metal gets used. It does require certain conditions to be successful, however. Metal roofs depend on thin strips of wood, known as furring, to allow air to circulate and prevent rot.

Furring strips are required if you plan to place a metal roof on top of existing shingles. They are compatible with many different kinds of synthetic underlayment. If you hire a contractor, they can explain all of this to you. For those that are going it alone, it is a good idea to get in contact with a roofing expert first. Ask for professional advice on the installation of furring strips and what they can do for your home.

You can also read this simple guide to installing furring strips on a metal roof.

Installing Furring Strips for Metal Roofing

Installing Furring Strips for Metal Roofing

Create a Chalk Map

Begin with the roof valleys. Make chalk marks along the side of the valley, about an inch fro, the valley at each side but parallel to it. You can use these marks as a guide for where to place the inner edges of the wood nailers. Don’t forget to remove any sections of the nailers which extend past the valley. You can use a small saw for this.

Place the Primary Furring Strips

Make sure that the wood strips are the right size. Then, install them as nailers at every pipe roof penetration or vent point. The inner edges need to be approximately four inches away from the pipe or vent. They are easy to secure with a single nail at each end of the section.

Measure from Roof to Peak

Using chalk, make marks where the line of each rafter intersects from the lower end of the roof right up to its peak. These marks can function as visual references when you are securing the furring strips. Identify the position of a rafter by looking for a vertical sequence of nails set into the board. Take a calculation starting at one edge of the roof to each rafter position.

Install Nailers End to End

With the bottom edge of the roof as your reference point, secure nailers end to end right the way along the roof. The lower edge should be approximately two inches from the roof edge. Insert two long nails into the wood stripping at each rafter point (marked in chalk). You might need to cut and secure an extra segment to fill the end of the row.

Add Additional Furring Strips

The final step is securing a secondary row of furring strips along the roof. Place it two feet apart from the first row. If there are gaps around the roof penetration or valley points, cut extra sections of furring to fit. When finished, there should be a row of furring strips stretching from one end to another, with the top edge aligned at the peak.

If you are unsure about a roof installation, don’t hesitate to get in contact with a contractor. Take all of the necessary precautions and only use materials which meet industry and construction standards. The installation of furring strips is a relatively inexpensive process, but it can cost much more if not carried out correctly.

For more info visit roofing contractors in Lincoln Park Michigan.

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