Interested in buying a property, but you are not satisfied with the current offer from the real estate companies because you are expecting something more from your next house? Maybe you aren’t looking at the right place.
If you really want to experience the luxury and live surrounded by nothing but the pure satisfaction and top notch architecture, then we suggest you to try with expensive homes and villas in Del Mar, California.
Why Del Mar, some people might ask. First of all, we all know how peaceful, diverse nature, urban infrastructure and good general environment are important these days. And Del Mar has it all. It is a breathtaking beach city in San Diego County, where you can enjoy the moderate temperature throughout the year. If you are searching for a heavenly home, Del Mar should definitely be your first choice.
When it comes to the properties on offer in this city, you really can choose between many options, and everything depends on your preferences and financial status.
For those who are willing to spend a real fortune on a house in this magnificent place, here are some suggestions. Just for the record – prices for the most luxurious properties in the area vary from a couple of million dollars to a whopping 23 million dollars!
Probably the most expensive home for sale currently in Del Mar is a custom six- bed family house with an open view on some of the most beautiful sites in the city. Future owners of this “property diamond” will be able to enjoy the serene sunset over the city harbor or the fascinating view on the Catalina and Palos Verdes.
In addition, it would be the ideal choice for people who are looking for peace and privacy, because this house, located in the Ocean Boulevard Corona, is hidden from the city crowd and from the unwanted prying eyes of those who are passing by. And, there is more!
If you decide to buy this magnificent house, you will also be in a position to enjoy the imposing wine collection – with the price comes an exquisite collection of more than 4,000 bottles of premium wines.
The second great example of luxury and an expensive house in the Del Mar is the astonishing 4,900 square foot family house, with four fully equipped living areas and four luxury bathrooms. The house is located on the beach, which means that you will be able to enjoy the sand beach in your own back yard!
This house is located in the heart of the Marine St. Beach, which means that future owners will be able to enjoy outdoors anytime, protected from the local winds.
Of course, all these luxurious properties have their own price. If you are planning to buy this superb house on the beach, you will have to be ready to part around 10 million dollars.
Remember, having this kind of luxury is best suited for the elite class. Before you even start thinking of buying some of these beauties in Del Mar in California, you should double check on your financial capabilities.